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News on the way for transnational postings


Following the final approval of the European Parliament, the Directive 96/71/EC sees the protection of working and employment conditions further consolidated in the case of the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services

The proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 96/71/EC concerning the transnational posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services is dated 29 May 2018.

As a consequence of  the regulatory intervention of the Directive 2014/67/EU, "anti-dumping" measures have been further consolidated, thus confirming the principle of equal treatment and providing greater protection for those involved in long-term postings. More specifically, in the case of postings  with a duration of over  12 months, the host countries are required to ensure that the sending companies guarantee  workers a series of additional, mandatory conditions in the Member State in which the work is carried out.

To ensure that working conditions are the same in the different countries, the Member States will ensure administrative collaboration -in accordance with their National legislation- in order to monitor work and employment conditions, also at Union level. This will involve answering requests for information as well as combating abuses  or alleged cases of illegal transnational activities.

In its final provisions, some specific rules have been laid down with respect to regulations that are applicable to road transport.

The full text, also in Italian, is available here.