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The first FAQs


Now online the first five FAQs concerning Compulsory Communications and the requirements for foreign service providers

The first five FAQs now available on the Cliclavoro website.

1) I am a foreign company, how can I register my company on the Cliclavoro website? 

Firstly, as the person representing the company, you must register on the Cliclavoro website by entering  your name, surname, email address and password. Login credentials will be sent to your email address. After logging in you should select  'Profilo utente-user profile' and then 'Azienda-company' in the reserved area.  Click on "Aggiungi-Add" and proceed with the registration of your company. You don't have to enter the company fiscal code but select  "Non sono in possesso di P.IVA-I don't have an Italian VAT  number " and enter the information required in the identification code field.

2) Do Italian companies posting to a foreign country have to fill in the UNI_DISTACCO_UE  e-form in the Compulsory Communications procedure?

No, the provisions set out in Legislative Decree No 136/2016 only apply to postings to Italy by companies in other Member States. For postings from Italy to other countries you should consult Directive 2014/67/UE for EU receiving countries or the specific legislation of the receiving country, should it be outside the EU.

3) If a foreign company carries out cabotage operations in Italy for a few days only do the provisions in Legislative Decree No 136/2016 still apply?  

Yes, Legislative Decree No 136/2016 and the relative obligations held therein must be applied whenever workers are involved in cabotage operations, in accordance with Chapter III of the Regulation (EC) No 1072/2009 and Chapter V of the  Regulation (EC) No 1073/2009 (Article 1, paragraph 4, Legislative Decree No 136/2016).

4) Are there any particular requirements for liaison officers, as referred to in ex Article 10 of Legislative Decree No 136/2016? Where should their details be entered?

Anyone can represent the foreign posting company and the posted workers so there are no specific requirements. It is important that the information regarding the liaison officers is entered in the UNI_DISTACCO_UE  e-form.

5) Are the liaison officers with the service providers jointly responsible for complying with the obligations set down in Legislative Decree No 136/2016?

No, the provisions set down in Article 10 of the afore-mentioned decree , as well as any sanctions that may apply, regard the service provider (foreign posting company)alone.

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