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Trans-national posting: the EU Directive concerning working terms

The Law Decree n. 122/2020, aimed to integrate the national regulation concerning the Trans-national posting, on the basis of ( EU) Parliament and Council Board Regulation 2018/957, has been published in the Official Gazette

The Law Decree n. 122 /2020, expected to become effective on September 30th 2020, integrating the national rules on the subject of trans-national posting, has been published in the Official Gazette.

The main innovations concern the working relationships between the Companies and the posted workers who will receive the same working and occupational conditions they would obtain in Italy, established by legal provisions and collective contracts, in case they are more favorable, for those workers carrying out - as employed workers - activities similar to those performed in the posting Country.

Furthermore, the same Decree will be applied at the employment agencies on administration established in a Member State different from Italy, posting one or more workers to a final destination Company having the head office in the same or in different Member State, within a trans- national service provision, different from the administration, in its own production unit, or different Company, also in case it belongs to the same group, and it is located in a site different from the administration site.

For all further details, please refer to the Decree.

Read the EU Directive concerning the Trans-national posting.